today is SUNday but the weather doesn`t seem to recognize this because the outlook
of my window isn`t that promising right now. Instead of sun I can only see the greyish sky
and hear how the rain drops.
However, I will make the best out of the circumstances and do some useful things during
the day such as preparing a presentation for school and write this blog post.
It is high time that I have to do this anyway as exactly two weeks have gone already
since I left the Dockville. As you can tell from the title, you are going to read through
my memories from the Festival and I want to share them with you as long as they
are still fresh.
So where should I start!? Perhabs with a summary of the weekend first.
Well, so basically it were three amazing days once again and different to now we had perfect weather, including a lovely sunset of which you will also see a photo later on.
The festival was actually way to short as there was so much to discover but to little time
to go around and have a closer look onto all the artworks or sit down in one of the hidden, fabulous areas. My friend and I were already busy with watching all the great musicians.
If there was a break inbetween two bands we wanted to see, we were eating ourselves through the offer of delicous Festival Food.
To get to the most important point now: the music. Luckily, we managed to see nearly all
of the acts which were on our list. As I experienced also from my Dockville visit last year there were some dissapointments and some surprises amongst it.
This was the case in term of the perfomances of Foals and Bilderbuch. Originally, I was really looking forward to see them but at the end I didn`t liked the shows that much.
In my opinion, they were ok but nothing more, whereas my favourit bands from this years Dockville are Kytes and L`Aupaire. I love their songs and as both of them are not that famous yet it wasn`t to full in front of the stage but everybody was in such a good mood
and a lot of people were dancing.
Nowadays, I usually prefer this kind of atmosphere rather to ten thousands of people but all just standing around.
But it doesn`t necessarilly have to be like this. It seems to depend on the artist, whether they are able to motivate such a big audience to dance and have a good time or not.
For example, the show of the german Duo Milky Chance belongs to my favourit moments of the Dockville 2016. Before the Festival I only knew them due to the Radio and wasn`t really interested in them. Then it turned out that they were perhabs the act with the most viewers of the whole weekend. Live they sounded way better as expected and there was such a miraculous atmosphere! It really was awesome when Milky Chance sang one of their most popular songs out into the darkness of the night, followed by thousand of voices from the crowd and surrounded by the illuminated buildings.
Anyhow, in addition to the ones I already mentioned these are the other musicians
we saw during the weekend:
Matt Corby, The Neighbourhood, I am Jerry, Bastille,
Meute, Honne, Aurora, Crystal Fighters, Rodhad and RSS Disco
Gloria, Half Moon Run, Frittenbude
Not to forget also some general information. As I can tell the organisation was excellent again and the staff as well as the other Festival visitors were all friendly and peaceful.
The Festival site, located in the harbour of Hamburg, is amazing anyway.
Incidentally, I just got aware of the fact that I didn`t mentioned yet that this year
the Festival turned 10 years old. Therefore, were haven´t been only pretty balloons all over the place but also the Festival bracelet looks super fancy (like a Disco ball).
Alright, I think now I said everything I wanted to say and told you a few of my favourit memories. That`s why I am coming to an end with this blog post but not without saying one more thing:
I am looking forward to see you in 2017 again, MS Dockville!
Hope you liked this post and to see you soon on the blog again.
Best wishes.
Ps: If you are interested into the Dockville, you can find some more nice photos and reports from the Festival over here:,dockville1040.html
or feel free to check out some of my previous Festival linked blog posts :)
Half Moon Run from Canada
& Matt Corby from Australia
My favourit musicians from this years Dockville: L`Aupaire and Kytes
Festival Outfits
And now it is time to direct some words to one of my favourit people:
my beautiful best friend, who luckily joined me this year.
Thank you for this amazing weekend, you little brownie ;)

Cool music festival , btw I am the dj and using this source for my dj performances