Donnerstag, 18. August 2016

Festival Fashion Guide


both music and fashion play an important role in my everyday life and Festivals are 
the perfect occasion to combine these two interests of mine.

Tomorrow I am going to attend the Dockville Festival in Hamburg and I am looking
forward to a fantastic weekend with friends, good music and a lot of fun.

The weather report changes nearly every day but right now it seems as we will be lucky
 to enjoy warm temperatures and a lot of sun. I hope it will gonna stay like that as I have some clothes which I would love to wear at the Festival.

One of these items is a blouse I got some months ago on a market in London. 
I really like the shape and the pattern of the Top and I think there is no better place 
than a Festival to wear this out.

Although I really like the boho style, which tends to be a bit extravagant, I will keep my clothes quite simple as in my opinion the most important rule in terms of Festival outfits 
is that you feel comfortable. No matter how good it might look, it won`t really work out 
if you can neither walk, dance or do whatever without plucking on your top here and there every two minutes. 

Your clothes are probably not worth it to miss the band playing just in front of you.

Something else to pay attention to is to be prepared for different temperatures.
As hot it might be during the day, at some point it will get colder, therefore it is always 
a good idea to bring a jumper or jacket with you. 
Also the other way around could be the case: it might turn out warmer than you thought 
it will be. Believe me, it is never a bad idea to have an additonal pair of shorts in your bag.

Anyway, I am not completely sure yet what I will gonna wear the next days.
I will decide this quite spontanious but for you I have some photos of outfits which 
I might gonna wear. 

I have to go now and get my things together for the Festival tomorrow but I hope I can inspire the one or another of you with the following photos and that my advices were 
somehow helpful for you.

I hope to see you soon on the blog again.

Best wishes.


PS: I recommend you to take a bagpack with you as it means you will have your hands 
free to clap for your favourite bands ;) 

                     Pictures by Niklas. 
He is a great photographer and my best friend,
                so go and check out his Instagram Account :)

Outfit Nr. 1

Top: H&M
Necklace: Iam
Jeans: New Look

Outfit Nr. 2

Jumpsuit: H&M

Outfit Nr. 3

Watch: Daniel Wellington

The blouse I got from a market in Shoreditch / London.

Outfit Nr. 4

rain jacket: from a market in Hamburg

bag: Merchandise from the Band Razz

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