Hello everybody,
April just came to an end and I haven`t published a single blog post within the whole
past month. This kind of makes me feel angry with myself as I would have liked to share
at least two or three entries with you in the last couple of weeks.
I promise May is going to be better as you can already tell from reading this text right now.
Anyhow, I will stop prattling on my bad publishing behaviour and rather talk about all
the exctiting things that happened in the meantime.
There are some really good incidents to be announced and I would like to start with this:
I moved back to Hamburg!
Although it was originally planned that I will stay in the UK til July I decided to return earlier due to a couple of reasons. One of them was that I just came to the point,
where I recognized that I didn`t wanted to be an Au Pair any longer.
At the end I did this job for a bit more than 7 months and I had a fantastic time while
I lived in Britain but I am also pleased to be back in my "old" life now.
Even though I never had to complain about working to hard or anything like that in the last bits I more and more missed my freedom as well as my family and friends.
Besides that I spend a lot of my free time in the past months with looking for an apprenticeship and many applications later luckily I also got invitations for job interviews.
To cut a long story short, I realized that it will gonna be a problem for me to continue working in addition to complete all these appointments as my hostfamily was really
in need of my flexibility.
Therefore organizational reasons lead into my decision to leave, too.
Furthermore, I knew that a friend of mine wanted to change her hostfamily and she really than took over my former job.
However, since the 6th of April I am in Hamburg again and the next day I already had an interview followed by some more in the days after that. I don´t want to go into details but
all of them went very good and at the end I also got the apprenticeship I wanted the most.
Not only do I feel happy but also really relieved to finally have the clarity in terms of what
I will work as from August onwards.
Only one or two months ago I partly felt quite frustrated about not to know what the near future will hold for me but now everything is going into the right direction.
What else is to tell is that in the middle of the month my mom joined me to return to
my british ,,hometown" where we spend a few days in a lovely hotel.
Within this time we also visited my host family to pick up the rest of my stuff which was
still at their house. Apart from that we went to London to work ourself through my
London-to-do-list and to the Warner Brother Studios, which was one of the attractions
I wanted to see as well.
On Tuesday, than another wish of mine came true as our journey should also include
an overneight stay in Eastbourne. Both Brighton and Eastbourne are located on the southcoast of the UK but somehow it seems as most people only tend to visit Brighton.
In my opinion the two of them are pretty and worth to explore but you can read more about that in an extra blogpost which will deal about my time in Eastbourne.
Anyway, these holidays were really joyful and beyond that also a great way to finish with
my time as an Au Pair.
Currently I enjoy my life and look forward to spring/summer and all the exciting events which are about to come up.
I hope to see you soon.
Best wishes.
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