last weekend I finally mangaged to do some more exploring again.
My friend and myself decided to head over to Greenwich, a part of London located
in the south-east of the city and opposite Canary Wharf and its Skyscrapers.
I had already been there a couple of years ago but only for a short period of time
and without having seen that much.
Looking back, it definetely was a good decision to return as Greenwich is a really
lovely area. You might have heard about it earlier in association with the prime meridian, which is based at the Royal Obervatory in Greenwich.
The attraction is situated on top of a hill, from there you have a magnificint view
over London. The hill itself is in the middle of a huge and beautiful park, a perfect place
to escape the hustle and bustle of Londons town center.
Besides, that Greenwich offers a variety of very nice shops (well, basically like everythere in London...). I particularly fell in love with a shop called "Oliver Bonas".
I literally could have bought half of all the things in the shop but unfortunately I haven`t won the lottery yet. They have some more stores all over Britan, so if you are keen on scandinavian design, fun post cards and other cool stuff pay them a visit.
By the way, yesterday I discovered that they are about to open a store in the town
I am living - what a coincidence!
Anyway, as the Old Royal Naval College and the National Maritime Museum
are both setted in Greenwich, there is also a shop specialised in selling items with
a maritime design. You know what? I immediately felt a bit like being home.
I grew up in Hamburg, a city mainly popular for its port and the Elbe river.
In addition, the North- and Baltic Sea are just like around the corner.
Therefore, I am used to maritime design and like most stuff with this kind of patterns.
At the end I didn`t bought anyhting in the shop but it was a good feeling to see
all these things, which reminded me a lot of home.
One of the reasons we actually went to Greenwich was the local food market.
We arrived there when the market was about to close but it wasn`t such a pity.
Don`t get me wrong, the market is worth a visit but we couldn`t find the kind of food
we were searching for like Pizza or Pasta. Well, the good Italian food.
What else you can get there is mainly tradional food from either Asia or South America.
Beyond that you can treat yourself with some selfmade cupcakes or something completely different such as clothes or a nice piece of art.
As you can see, there is a variety of stalls. I am sure at the end of the day, you will leave Greenwich with less money. For the ones, who are not afraid of heights and would like to do something special,I have another recommendation for you:
The UK`s only urban cable car!
The Emirates Air Line runs between North Greenwich and the Royal Docks.
The tickets are not that expensive and while your journey from one side of the thames to
the other, you can enjoy a brilliant view over London.
Unfortunately, I haven`t been able to try it myself so far but I would love to do so!
Preferable to watch the sunset.

Another advise from me for you is to stroll around Canary Wharf.
This is perhabs not the prettiest part of London but if you have some time left,
you could consider to go there.
In the last decade a lot of modernization took place in this area, what has led into
the fact that you can now spot some of Londons highest buildings and newest
train stations around there.
Subjectively speaking, I had a few moments, where I was greatly impressed by
the architecture but not only with the newer buildings.
My friend and myself also discovered some older parts of the disctrict, what we were
really happy about. It is funny how you could be in the middle of one of Europes
biggest cities and depending on where you are, it feels like you are in a small town.
Surrounded by lots of flats and people jogging next to the river, we enjoyed the quiet
and the view onto the Thames. Only the airplanes, which were about to land at the
near by London City Airport disturbed the athmosphere from time to time.
However, I assume you can tell that I had a great time while exploring Greenwich
and Canary Wharf and hope that I could have inspired a few of you to go
and spend some time there as well.
See you soon.
Best wishes.
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